Addie helped everyone open their presents too! Luckily Uncle Rod did not mind!
Addie and Cousin John playing with one of her new toys!
.Although Addie was having a lot of fun....she is very serious when she is concentrating! Mom said that I was the same way when I was a child....always very serious. I was just taking everything in and I assume that is what Addie is doing also.
Addie is a wonderful dancer! She is starting to hum along with you when you sing to her too! So cute! Addie got a video cam for Christmas. You plug it into the TV and she can see herself dancing. She kept pointing to the screen and saying "Addie". I don't know if she really grasped how it all happened but she liked to see herself on the big screen! Don't we all!
Addie is Wii bowling in this picture!.
After we got home on Sunday and took all the new toys up to Addie's room....this is what she played with the rest of the night......a shopping bag! There was a tear in the top of the bag and she thought it was the funniest thing that she could walk around with the bag on her head and still see out through the tear.