The meaning of Easter from Addie's point of view: "It was time for Jesus to go home". Well put Addie.
I have read so many blogs about other people's Easter.....and so many of them seem so proud because "this year they decided to go with an Easter basket that did not have any candy in it". I have no idea who they are trying to impress...but seriously candy in the Easter baskets? Either 1. they are not telling the truth....or 2..they ARE telling the truth and their children are still wondering around to this day looking for the candy that the Easter Bunny must have brought and hid somewhere REALLY good. No...I don't give my child candy all the time but yes..she gets candy and it is not "just on special occasions". "Gasp"'s true. Of course we don't eat it for breakfast...well not every day...but I feel that teaching Addie moderation is better than abstaining altogether. The parents that are trying to keep their kids from eating candy and junk food is like giving them a ticket to explode at the first sleepover they have at someone else's house...someone like me. Ha..parents beware..I will give your children sugary cereal and I am not afraid of....wait for it....."HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP"! "Gasp" again...... So...this long sugary rant leads to a picture of Addie's Easter Basket with CANDY! I realize the picture below does not do my rant justice but the candy was there..nonetheless! Mmmm! So good! We also had plastic Easter eggs hidden around her play room with candy in each of those too!