Addie was a cat for Halloween! David's mom picked out this costume and she did a wonderful job. It was adorable. Of course Addie hated the cat hood. David and I had to time the pictures just perfectly where one of us would put the hood up and the other would snap a picture really fast! She was quick as lightening taking the hood off....too funny! We went to the downtown festival on Friday night. The weather was perfect. It was just cool enough where we weren't hot and just warm enough where we did not need coats! All of the kids were adorable and everyone had a great time. You could really tell Addie was having a great time because she did not want to go. She was running around like she owned the place. Too funny.
Addie was showing off her dance moves with some other kids. These other children kept hopping around in circles on one foot! Addie was amazed by how they hopped. She just sat and starred at them for the longest time.
Finally Addie joined in and danced too!
Addie loved these pumpkins that lit up! She gave them a few hugs and a kiss too!
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