Maybe this is Addie's new favorite word because she ate breakfast, lunch and dinner there today! is true! Addie has been trying to kick a cough for a few days but last night it just got really bad and she didn't sleep a wink. So this morning I decided I should get it checked out just to make sure it wasn't the beginning stages of bronchitis. I called the doctor at 7:35 am and they said "can you be here at 8:45 am". I am thinking....OK that gives me an hour and ten minutes to shower, get myself ready, let the dog out, feed the dog, wake up Addie, get Addie ready, eat breakfast, pack a diaper bag and get in the car and take the 15 minute drive to the doctor's office. Fixing a home cooked breakfast was not in the cards for this morning so McDonald's it was. Well once we get to the doctor's office, and after I chugged a medium coffee, the doctor preceded to tell me that her "wheezing" cough is asthma unfortunately (she gets that from me...lucky girl). So we are starting her on breathing treatments which she tolerated pretty well thank goodness. The thing she hated soo much was when they checked her ears. She had some wax build up so they had to put drops in her ears and then do an ear wash which she HATED! She kept saying "all done...all done" while they were doing it and I just wanted to cry. Of course she was balling and kicking and screaming. Then on top of the asthma they found out that she has an ear infection too. Needless to say when I asked her what she wanted for lunch and she replied "McDonalds" I said sure...why deserve it after all that. we went for a Happy Meal.
Well, then David picks her up to spend some time with her this evening and when he brings her home I ask them what they ate for dinner and David replied "McDonalds". Ha! I laughed so hard. David said that he asked Addie what she wanted for dinner and she said McDonalds. He knew she had a hard day at the doctor today so he wanted to take her where she wanted to go!
David and I sat with Addie tonight and read her some stories while we did the breathing treatment. It is amazing how much it helps. Hopefully this will be all that she has to do for her asthma. Keep your fingers crossed! Her Nebulizer is really cute. It is in the shape of a panda and the attachments go on the back. Addie already says "panda" when she sees the red bag!

1 comment:
Beth, she is just too cute! I'm sorry that she has to do the breathing treatments, I'm glad to see that the nebulizer is "fun" though. We are also the unfortunate owners of a nebulizer, but ours is boring and gray. :(
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