Addie and I planted some flowers and she had a ball! She really enjoyed moving the potting soil from the bag to the pot...or the ground....or to her pockets! We had potting soil everywhere! Oh well...that is part of the fun right. She especially loved to throw it in the air. I quickly tried to explain why throwing the soil is not the best idea! I'm sure we'll have this discussion again with sand at the beach!
Look at the cute ponytail! Finally i am able to get her hair in a ponytail.
I found some bulbs in the garage so we planted those too. I am not sure if they survived the winter but we'll see. Addie loved watering the bulbs after we planted them.
Pull those pants up girl......
The finished products...sunflowers,zinnias and sweet basil! Wish us luck!
1 comment:
These pictures are too cute - I love her ponytail too.
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