Addie and I had a wonderful time at the beach with the family! Of are never long enough. Addie didn't want to go to "school" on Monday and I didn't want to go to work either! Amazing how a two year old...who shouldn't have a care in the world....can relate to not wanting to go back to our normal schedules after a wonderful vacation!

We made the mistake of telling Addie that she was going to the beach a few weeks prior to us of course she asked every day "are we going to the beach today?" Two year old children don't necessarily have the idea of time down yet! Ha!
I was trying to come up with a way for her to understand the concept of "we are going in a week" so I made this calendar the week before we went. I would point to whatever day we were on and then point to Saturday. She got excited about crossing off the days and I would explain we have to cross off all these other days before Saturday before we can go to the beach. She finally grasped the concept later in the week!
Addie loves these rides now. I can tell I am getting older because they used to be a quarter to ride and now they are 75 cents and some are a dollar! Wow! She loves them though.
We finally made it to the beach! yeah!

My girlfriends from college came for a visit to see Sweet Pea! It was wonderful to see them and I can't wait to see them soon!

Addie, Granddad and

Addie of course LOVED the pool. Sometimes I think she forgot there was a huge sand box just on the other side of the dunes! Addie's swimming lessons have really paid off. She is so comfortable in the water and loves to dive for rings on the steps.

The matching crab shirts I made at my attempt to applique! Practice makes perfect!

Granddad and
YaYa took Addie to the aquarium! This was in the hands on section!

Addie and the hermit crab are having a little discussion about very important things! Addie is so serious.

Addie and Aubrey are busy putting sticks into Aubrey's swimming pool. That IS what a swimming pool is for isn't it???!!!

They were so proud of their "stick pool". It was hilarious.

I love the sand between my toes and in my ears and up my nose.

I assure you work was not anywhere in my brain this day! It was so much fun to see how Addie spent her days at the beach this year as opposed to just one year ago!

This is
Addie last July at the beach!

This year she is about 7 inches taller and of course she wants "to do it myself"! I should take the advise I give my child..."Addie just because someone helps you do something doesn't mean you can't do just means they are helping you". Addie is just as stubborn as I am.....trying to do it all myself! Ha!