And of course what is the 4th of July weekend without a trip to Fernbank to see dinosaurs.....
Addie has really been into dinosaurs lately so I thought she would enjoy seeing how big they actually were in comparison to her tiny size! I don't think Addie believed me when I told her they used to be real. Their foot was bigger than the two of us combined! Huge!
Then she did her usual staring contest with the dinosaur just like she does with all new people! I think the dinosaur won this staring contest!
Granddad and Addie! Oh No....the dinosaur is biting their hands!
Grandmamma's hydrangeas are unbelievable! Gorgeous!
After the parade, and a great afternoon with the family, Addie and I hung out with some of my friends! They also have a daughter named Addie!
The Dora sleeping bags were a hit! Thanks Lisa!
She eventually warmed up to them but this was after she sat in my lap with not only her ears covered but her eyes covered as well! This was the latest Addie has ever stayed up with me before. I couldn't believe she stayed awake until almost 10:30. She normally goes to bed every night at 7:30. I was a stickler for her bedtime until she turned I am learning to loosen up a bit! I think Addie would have lasted longer but she fell asleep in the car on the way home. Of course the juice boxes......sugar cookies....and potato chips helped her stay awake too!
The pigtails are precious. Looks like the birthday party was a smashing success!
A good parade is not complete without cross dressers! :-) Love the first pic with the pigtails and the flag, that is precious. Also very cute of Addie & Addie!
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