Well..once again I am late in making a blog post about a trip Addie and I took but....better late than never right!
Addie and I went to the beach with my good friend Kathryn and her husband Chris and their son Cole..or as Addie says it "Cold". We had so much fun and the kids had a blast. The weather was chilly and a little rainy (we went in April) but it was still fun to be at the beach!

Addie and Cole make such a cute pair!

We had a day and a half of sunny..but cool..weather! The other days it was overcast and rainy...we still went on the beach though!

This was Cole's first trip to the beach...you would never know though! He was an expert with the shovel! He loved it! Kathryn and I would hold on to the kid's hands while they jumped the waves. They never wanted to stop. Finally they were shivering from being cold and we had to make them go in to get a warm bath. No fear....

No fear of getting dirty either....I love it!

Making circles!

What a cutie!

Time for a snooze....Addie didn't mind!

As you can tell...we pretty much had the beach to ourselves! It was wonderful! You can see our umbrella is the only one on the beach!

This was Addie at dinner.....the only thing that brought her out of her slumber was "Addie..you want a juice box?". She perked right up! She loves juice boxes!

Addie making the cheesy smile!

One last look at the beach before we had to go....Beach trips always go by
soo fast! Goodbye Beach..we'll be back soon!
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