Well I kind of took September off from the blogging world...but for memory sake...I am going to go ahead and blog about it....So..here are a few belated September posts... Warning..picture overload! We took one last beach trip for this year and the weather was wonderful!

Addie had a wonderful time chasing her shadow on the beach and of course...spinning around in circles and making herself dizzy!
I just love her big smiles!
Addie had to check out every picture we took!
We headed down to the boardwalk for some ice cream and pics! Addie looks so grownup!
Mmmm....Superman Ice Cream! I have no idea what flavors "Superman" ice cream actually are but Addie loved it!

babydoll made the rounds this trip. "Baby" went to the grocery store, she went to the pool and of course the boardwalk!

Surprise...here is the baby doll again!

Addie...is that a baby doll you are holding? Wow...can you put that thing down!

Wild Dunes has a huge
Adirondack chair...as you can see! The pictures don't really capture its size but it is huge and right on the beach!
This picture cracks me up...Of course I have never seen goggles in Vogue for a fashion item but I think she sports them pretty well! I think she looks adorable!

Once again...the baby went in the ocean! Take a look at the baby's legs..ha! Is that normal???

I just love this picture. Her profile is so pretty..of course I am her mother so of course I think she is a beautiful little girl! It amazes me how at three years old most of her "baby" look is gone. Every once in a while I get a glimpse of her chubby little cheeks. It makes me sad to realize how fast she is growing up. I know that is what all parent's say, "they grow up so fast", but I never realized how true a statement it was until I noticed Addie growing up so fast. I think it was also my naivety as well because I had no idea a three year old could do
SOO much. I mean when Addie was two years old we could have a conversation with each other. Now that she is three....we can not only have a conversation but she can argue her point too and quite well! Ha! and her memory....she reminds me all the time "Mom..did you get your keys....your phone".

Once again...Addie and her baby!

Just hanging out on the porch letting her hair dry after a bath! Ah..to be 3 and free!
Soo sad to leave the beach but there will be plenty more trips next year! We hope!
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