Monday, August 30, 2010

Kelsey Adventures!

Addie was SOO excited to be the proud recipient of "Kelsey" for the weekend! I went to pick her up and she said "Mommy...we have to get Kelsey's big bag...come on....let me show you". I went into her classroom and there was Kelsey and a 3 ring binder with instructions inside! are our journal entries about Kelsey!

Addie is taking Kelsey back to school tomorrow! She is really excited to show her teacher everything she did with Kelsey. We love her new school and her teacher, Ms. Lorie! We also had our first homework assignment this and tell! We have to bring something in that starts with the letter "M". That is their letter of the week. We found all sorts of things at the house...but of course Addie wanted to bring in a Monkey. I bet everyone is going to have a monkey...but oh well that is what she chose. It had to fit in a brown lunch bag and there was a specific instruction for the item not to be "perishable". I bet Ms. Lorie has had some interesting show and tells in the past before she wrote that instruction!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kelsey looked like she was very much at home with you, Addie. I know she had lots of fun.